Archive | February, 2015

Sustainable Development is Everyone’s Business

24 Feb
A photovoltaic sunshade that recharges electric vehicles  Image by Tatmouss

A photovoltaic sunshade that recharges electric vehicles
Image by Tatmouss

By Jack Karsten, PISA Staff Assistant

New sustainable development initiatives show that economic development without damaging the environment is possible. Rather than hindering growth, protecting the local environment often goes hand-in-hand with economic development. Such is the case for the coastal village of Wakatobi, Indonesia, whose fishermen rely on healthy coral reefs for their livelihood. In the Philippines, the electricity’s high cost has sparked a boom in the construction of energy-efficient buildings. A report from the Risky Business Project demonstrates that even a developed country like the United States stands to benefit economically from climate change mitigation. These examples show how countries at all development levels can improve economic outcomes in ways that lessen their detrimental environmental impact.

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